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Month: December 2001
Perspectives Final
I just received my Perspectives final in the mail. I was looking it over, and sorry to say this, but Drew is wrong. There’s literally […]
Travel Constipation
I always get constipated when I travel. Dunno why.
Post Hsu Wedding
I hope Dave someday gets to the day after the wedding in his travelogues. Especially when he “helped” me return the tuxes. His hands are […]
Mom’s Christmas Gift
My mom wrapped her own gift from me this year. I suck.
Still no good Mexican food in California
Dave Park was right. There’s no good Mexican food in California. I’d trade everything for a single Taco Cabana. Marshall knows what I’m talking about.
Houston Isn’t Home
I haven’t been getting enough sleep at home. The reason being, I’ve had to go to lunches and stuff so I’m forced to get up […]
Egg Nog
I’m still lactose intolerant. Darn egg nog.
Korean Skit Competitions
Is it like this at your church? Whenever the Korean adults have some kind of skit competition, you can count on at least one group […]
Buca di Beppo
Buca di Beppo has opened two locations in Houston. Everyone here calls it “Buca”.