Why do non-Christians want to get married in churches? I’m just curious. Because the wedding doesn’t hold some sort of spiritual significance for them. So is it just tradition? What?
We had this marriage workshop at the church we’re getting married at, and it was interesting. One of the other couples, the bride was divorced, and the rest of the couples were all living together. The head pastor spoke briefly and he mentioned how in the church’s view the marriage is a sacred covenant, but that was it. And I guess it had to be that way, because the majority of the people there probably didn’t share the church’s view on marriage.
So yeah, it was just weird to me, sitting in church talking about marriage and not being able to really discuss the church’s view on marriage or other spiritual aspects. I guess I didn’t understand why non-Christians want to get married in church, and what a church’s responsibility is for non-Christians who want to get married there.
Marriage counseling has been by far the best part of the wedding plans, at least for me. I dunno, I just feel like I’m learning about life.