I think “I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever” is becoming the next Shout To The Lord. Not in terms of the songs themselves, but as names of products. A while ago Worship Together comes out with the second CD in their “Revival Generation” series and they call it I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever. Fine and dandy.

Then the same company comes out with another compilation, a 2 CD set, also called I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever. Huh? OK, whatever, it’s a new type of compilation so why not. But then they come out with another 2 CD compilation, a sequel I guess, and they call it I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever 2. Huh? Why not use a new name like they did with the last series? But whatever.

Then of course they come out with I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever Kids. No Christian theme is complete without the kids’ version. Shout To The Lord Kids, Prayer of Jabez Kids… Left Behind Kids isn’t just a product, it’s a whole theme. It’s insane. When are we gonna get The Call Kids? Or Jonathan Edwards’ Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Kids? Just wondering.

Anyway, so now Worship Together comes out with *another* compilation CD. A brand new compilation series. And of course it’s called I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever. Talk about confusing. I dunno, they’re taking the theme of the song to a whole new level. Wow.

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