In a few hours, I fly to NYC to be reunited with my lovely wife after far too many days of separation. What God has […]
Month: June 2005
Get To The Source Of The Problem
I’m a big believer that if you really want to solve a problem, you have to get to the source. So like with the problem […]
Settlers of Catan: Mega Man version
Settlers of Catan: Mega Man version
Jieun: Trustworthy Confidant
Jieun is the most trustworthy person I know when it comes to things told to her in confidence. I’m basing this on the fact that […]
My Theological Worldview
You scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan. You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God’s grace enables you to choose to believe in […]
Next Generation Church Names
We got into a discussion tonight about church names. If our church ever changed it’s name or planted a new church, we could go with […]
Bay Area Sports Fans
Whoa there. I’m not a Giants fan, and I don’t know what the atmosphere is like in SBC Park now, but growing up, everyone in […]
Hit Me Baby One More Time Week 4 Review
I realize that I’m the only person who even watches the show, much less loves it, but whatever. My review of the artists last night […]
The Origins of the Smurf Dance
You know how the Smurf dance started, way back when. For a long time when we were growing up, we didn’t have a garage door […]
To reiterate: Wang Chung was robbed. That was not a misprint. Since I’m completely irresponsible, I stayed up until 3 playing Tetrinet 2 last night […]