In honor of my miscellany loving audience (whoever they are), I’ll be posting random facts from time to time, a la the mini Harper’s Index in the Sunday Merc. A starter:
- Castrated men never go bald.
- Koalas are the size of a gummy bear when they are born. Kangaroos are the size of a jelly bean. (Don’t ask me the difference between the size of a gummy bear and jelly bean. I report the random facts. I can’t explain them.)
- Wombat dung is cube shaped.
A driving pet peeve.
It annoys me when drivers, instead of maintaining a steady pressure on the accelerator, constantly accelerate and ease off the gas, accelerate and ease off the gas. Argh. The worst part is, it makes me seasick. Seems like first generation Asians are the worst at this. I won’t name specific relatives, but yeah, it’s insane. They accelerate/decelerate so much it feels like I’m sailing on the S.S. Dramamine. Just so you know, it is possible to maintain a steady speed while driving a car. There’s a place between acceleration and letting go of the gas. Go there.
Similarly, I don’t get it when drivers accelerate until they get really close to the car in front of them and then brake. Then do it again! Argh! Why not just maintain a constant distance from the car in front of you? What’s the point of accelerating to get close if you’re just going to brake again? Huh? Huh?