Random fact: a huge number (maybe 1/3) of all close door buttons in elevators do absolutely nothing. They’re not even hooked up.

I thought the sermon on Sunday was absolutely fascinating. The theme was grace, one point being that God’s “curses” from the Fall in Genesis 3 actually demonstrate grace. For one, it foreshadows Jesus. Additionally, God sets it up that we cannot be satisfied by things we might treasure on earth, so that we’re forced to find rest only in Him. For women, that might be identity as a mother or wife. For men, it might be work. So God “curses” those things that we might only find satisfaction in Him.

Fascinating. I totally jive with that also. One of my mantras is the Buddhist idea that life is suffering, and that we cannot be truly content in this world. So if we’re unsatisfied or unsettled, that should be no surprise. It’s an indication of something, that we can’t get what we want here. Anyway. Highly recommend the sermon, although the latest sermon on the website is from July so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

So I’ve been on this Scripture reading schedule that Ted suggested for a few months now and I’m realizing that the discipline of Scripture reading is truly a discipline. A lot of times I have to force myself to do it when I’d rather play (another) game of FreeCell. I think someone in our small group said this, but loving God or loving the Word is a lot like loving your spouse. You most clearly demonstrate your love by your commitment. So yeah, I’m trying to learn to love the Word through that daily commitment.

Anyway, Carson had a fascinating commentary a few weeks back on why love is the “greatest” compared to faith and hope. I never sat down and really thought about that, and Paul doesn’t exactly explain it. But Carson’s theory is, love is the greatest of the three because it’s the one quality God Himself has. I thought that was really interesting.

I rather enjoy his commentary. It’s not as perspective shattering as Chambers, but pretty good, not too heavy, not too light, wise, and focused on love. I just cannot get over his moustache. I use the back cover flap as a bookmark, so his (apparently Quebecois) facial hair stares at me daily, and quite honestly freaks me out. I’ve got issues.

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