Yesterday for Eddie’s birthday we played basketball in the rented out Monta Vista gym.
Now, I don’t typically get upset over my poor basketball play. I suck at basketball, so it’s pointless to do that. It’s like getting upset that the sun is hot. No point, a waste of time. A corollary: it’s also pointless trash talking me in regards to basketball. I will in all likelihood agree with you. I can’t imagine that’s any fun.
So yeah, I don’t normally get upset, but yesterday totally sucked, enough so that it bothered me. It was as sucky as it could get. I made exactly one basket in 2.5 hours. Lost the first two games. Then they switched up teams, traded me for Dong. My new team then proceeded to lose the rest of their games. Now, I’m not a master logician, but the outcome indicates one of two things – the deciding factor was either Dong being really good (no offense, but that’s highly unlikely) or me being really bad. Pretty disheartening.
So the true mark of someone’s character is how they respond to adversity, so I’m not going to stop playing. But honestly, basketball is like work. I don’t really enjoy it; it’s not fun for me. Maybe someday I’ll get there. But I’m not there yet. Far from it.