We had a visitor to our small group last week and it came out in the course of the conversation (topic: stewardship) that he was frugal. Some might say cheap. Which made me feel an immediate kinship with him. I actually should have known he was a frugal brother the first time he visited our church, since he was wearing an Old Navy shirt that I also own, a shirt they sold in 1995 or thereabouts. It takes a cheap man to wear an Old Navy shirt for 10 years.

I don’t think people fully realize how cheap I can be. For a period when I was living in grad student housing, to save money on toilet paper, I took all my dumps at the library, one of which was open 24 hours. And for a period last year, I took all my showers at the gym at work, to save money on soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Ridiculous. Life is too short to live like that, but yeah, I have those tendencies.

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