So these are pictures of me playing our new Yamaha YDP-113. I decided against buying a Plasma TV for a bunch of reasons. One, they’re still mondo expensive, and with Jieun downshifting work wise and new baby expenses coming up, it didn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense. In light of that, feels weird to spend money to facilitate wasting time. I actually want to watch less TV, not more.
But yeah, the primary thing is, I want to prioritize our spending on things that could bless others, and I think developing more musically could be a blessing. Not that a HDTV can’t also, e.g. Dong’s Super Bowl party. But yeah, that’s just my thinking.
At least that’s what I say, but who knows if it’s really true. Maybe it’s just for me. Because dang, playing it last night made me feel incredibly alive. In the pics I’m trying to sightread Claire de Lune, which, strangely, I never played before. (SN. For that reason, I never realized the song was written in 9/8. I just thought it was a lot of rubato. It’s actually always been a dream of mine to write a song in 9/8.) And yeah, it felt really good, although I’m totally rusty. In particular, my pinkies have been tragically underused for the past 10 years, so they’re not as dexterous as they should be.
Anyway, yeah, I said it was for other people but maybe it’s just for me. Oh well. Come over in a few weeks and I’ll have a recital, after I work out the cobwebs. Then I can say it was for other people.
Actually, the primary reason I wanted to get it now was, I dunno, I want the house our children grow up in to be bathed in music. Not just music we listen to, but music we play. Not sure why that’s so important to me, but it is. So yeah, it was really important to me that we get a keyboard before she’s born. Bathed in music – that’s my dream.