Henry wrote how he can do a “normal” person’s day of work in an hour. He actually said the same thing to me about me, in the past, in passing. Something like, “you know, how we [dunno who “we” encompasses, but in context, he meant at least me and him] can do a ‘normal’ person’s day’s worth of work in an hour.”
That comment pretty much poisoned me for years and I’m just now getting out of it. The problem was, it was roughly true at my old company. I could get by doing little. The problem is, it’s completely untrue at my current company. Here, everyone on my team is bright, in fact, all brighter than me. So doing a day’s worth of worth takes, well, a day. When I first came here I was still poisoned by my entrenched terrible habits, so I was trying to get by on minimal work. Didn’t fly. So yeah, realized a little late that to succeed I need to sustain effort throughout the day. Freaking Henry ruining me again.