Our keyboard is one of the greatest purchases I’ve ever made. I’d probably rank it third all time, after Jieun’s engagement ring and my XBox. (Right after that would be my $200 car cover that I used for about a week and the lighting system I bought so I could control the lights in my dorm room from my bed and not have to make the huge journey from the bed to the wall. Oh wait, Henry bought those things, not me. Never mind.)

It’s not that I play it so much, but whenever I do I find great pleasure in it. And Jieun plays it a lot, which makes me really happy. An added bonus is, Abby seems to be soothed by the music. She actually has a favorite song: Bach’s Invention #8. Immediately calms her down. Invention #1 doesn’t do it for her, only #8. She is a baby of discerning taste.

I suppose we’re doing the Baby Einstein thing of playing classical music, which supposedly makes babies smarter. I think it’s cooler though that Jieun actually plays the Bach every day, instead of some recording.

I’m kind of against the whole Baby Einstein thing in general though. A friend said this and I concur – why is being smart the most important thing? Shouldn’t we, especially Christians, value other things even more? Like being emotionally intelligent, or kind, or compassionate, or encouraging? Where are the Baby Barnabas products? Baby Mother Teresa?

My personal goal with Abby is to not place so much emphasis on achievement, but on personal character. In the end, that’s what really matters most, right? I don’t plan on being a driven parent, but if I am, that’s what I want to drive her to, not going to a good college, or being a doctor, or whatever, but being a woman of noble character. We’ll see if I’m able to reconcile that with forcing her to take piano lessons until she’s 18.

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