It is wayyyy too Hive Five of Teenager, as Paul would say. Saturday I came very near to giving up. I don’t even know what that means. But if the Lord decided to take me, I would not have minded at all; it’s that hot. And it reminds me again why I don’t live in Houston. There, it’s this hot all the time. That’s just no way to live.
After church today, Stewart went up to the front, stood behind the music stand, and said, in a pastorly tone, “Welcome everybody to Baylight Church.” I nearly died. We also asked him about his swimming lessons, and someone asked if he ever pees in the pool. “I *never* pee in the pool,” he responded. “But sometimes I fart.” Hifreakinglarious.
Eddie remarked the other day how Abby is so cute, he doesn’t know how I can stand it. The answer is, I don’t. Quite literally; I’m frequently forced to sit or lie down. Unbearable cuteness.
Anyway, I think I’m a scientist at heart, and I’ve been doing little experiments with her as she develops. Nothing big, just little curiosity experiments. For example, every time I feel a yawn coming on and she’s around, I try to yawn in front of her. Just to see if, you know, yawns are contagious for infants. I’ve done it dozens of times now and it’s never once made her yawn, so I guess it’s not. I plan to keep it up to see when it kicks in. Don’t you ever wonder stuff like this? I do.
I’ve also been experimenting with her vision. As I believe I’ve mentioned, depending on her mood she does imitative smiling. I experiment a bit to see from how far away she’ll recognize a smile and mirror it. She’s out to at least 8 feet now. That’s pretty good.
The other weird thing I noticed is that when she started making “g” sounds, like “guh” and “gah”, she could make them without opening her mouth. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how she did that. You try it; it’s impossible. But she’d do it all the time. I guess babies start making sounds in different ways than adults do. It’s pretty weird.