Not that anyone cares, but I’ve been spending much more time on Yahoo Messenger than AIM nowadays. It’s just more convenient.
Here’s a question I have about infant baptism. I was raised a Southern Baptist, everyone knows where I stand. But whatever, infant baptism people feel their stance is Scriptural, and that’s fine. What I don’t get is, if they really believe that infant baptism is well grounded in Scripture, how come so many of them feel the need to have something like confirmation, which is (as far as I ignorantly know) extra-Scriptural? What’s the need for something formal like that if infant baptism is so Scripturally sound?
I’m by no means saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying I don’t get it. I’ve frequently heard Scriptural justification for infant baptism. I’m just not sure I’ve ever heard Scriptural basis for confirmation. But like I said, I’m just an ignorant dunker.