How can I deny Arthur. Honestly though, this is probably the worst survey I’ve ever filled out, and that’s saying something.
1. Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 18, line 4?
“valid anytime” (a coupon to buy one entree get one free at Mio Vicino)
2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch?
Empty root beer bottle, Sony MDR-7506 headphones, Canon SD300 camera, Hearos ear plugs, guitar string winder/cutter, Arctic Silver 3 Thermal Compound applicator, Bicentennial quarter given to me by my gomohalmoni, Entertainment book, computer speakers, Southwest Drink Coupons.
3. What’s the last thing you watched on TV?
A bit of Everybody Loves Raymond that Jieun was watching.
4. Without looking, what time is it?
11 PM.
5. What time is it actually?
11:03 PM.
6. Except for the computer what can you hear?
Jieun typing, the baby monitor.
7. When did you last step outside and what were you doing?
I took out the trash about 10 minutes ago.
8. Before you started this survey what were you doing?
Packing up a shipment of Robotech DVDs I sold on EBay. I’m bitter at whoever released the DVDs, by the way. I don’t know if you ever saw that rant on David Letterman where this random black guy talks about anime topics, but he has one where he rants about how they released all these Robotech DVDs, then they released them again in a cleaned up, remastered version so fans were forced to buy it twice. I totally relate to that rant – I wasted tons of money. That’s George Lucas-esque evil. Even worse, they later released a complete remastered DVD set after releasing the remastered DVDs individually, which cost less also, so I wasted money twice.
Anyway, the old DVDs are just taking up space so I sold them at a huge loss, but whatever, time to get rid of them. Once upon a time, I used to be a packrat, saving everything. Now I like getting rid of everything I can.
9. What are you wearing?
An undershirt (the John Yo0n special), Gap jeans. No socks.
10. Did you dream last night?
Nope. But I have been having vivid dreams in general lately.
11. When did you last laugh?
Last night watching the Borat movie trailers. Crude, but hilarious.
12. What’s on the walls in the room you’re in?
The only things on the walls in our office are two separate calendars. We’re not much for decorating.
13. Seen anything weird?
A baby being born is the strangest thing I think I’ll ever see.
14. What do you think of this quiz?
Perhaps the worst quiz I’ve ever filled out. It gives absolutely no insight into the person filling it out whatsoever, so it’s as tedious to read as it is to fill out. But I’m stubborn like that.
15. Last film or video seen?
Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen a movie, even on DVD, since X-Men 3.
16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight what’s the first thing you’d do?
I really have no idea. Unlike Henry and his Jesus Institute or whatever he called it, I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what I would do with ridiculous amounts of money. I’ve recently been plotting my life course in a bit more detail, and I’m fairly certain that getting rich won’t happen to me even incidentally; my career path doesn’t include it, and I don’t play the lottery (aside from scratchers on Road Trips).
That said, if I came into money I’d probably buy a new car just to get Jieun’s mom off my back.
17. Tell me something I don’t know about yourself?
What doesn’t Arthur know about me… when I take a dump, I don’t drop my pants all the way to my ankles like some guys do, but pull down just enough to give clearance for the critical parts, usually a bit above the knee. I don’t like exposing my legs like that, it’s chilly, and I don’t like the pants touching the gross bathroom floor.
18. If you could change one thing about the world regardless of politics what would it be?
Another lame question. I don’t believe world peace is possible, or even necessarily a good thing; justice is more important than peace. I tend to think that the inequitable allocation of resources in the world is also unavoidable; the alternative is just everyone having nothing.
What I really want to change is the way the world thinks, primarily the spread of relativistic thinking. Not that I have real experience, but my gut says it’s easier to reach someone who believes there is an absolute truth, even if it’s different from what Christianity says, than someone who rejects that. I think that’s the biggest roadblock for the gospel. But that might just be what I resonate with.
19. Do you like to dance?
Hate hate hate it. I’m just way too self-conscious to fast dance comfortably. And more structured dancing, like ballroom type stuff, I’ve already said how I’m scarred by Fred and the Stanford loser ballroom dance mafia. So not a fan of dancing. Maybe that will change though. I used to hate karaoke since I hate how my voice sounds, but now I’m willing to bust it out and don’t really care. Maybe I’ll learn to let go of my self-consciousness with dancing also.
As a side note, I’m really happy how people are digging Karaoke Revolution. Great party game.
20. What comment would you like to make to George Bush?
Stop cussing.
21. Your first child is a girl what do you name her?
You know kind of how we settled on Abigail? I bought a baby name book and we both decided to look through it and make a list of 5 names we liked, then we’d see how our lists coincided. I never got past half the first page. And it happened to be on Jieun’s list. But I’m happy with it – it’s a great name with great meaning.
22. Your first child is a boy what do you name him?
I’ve been trying to push Stone for a long time but I doubt it will happen. I want Maximilian also, but also unsure. I also wanted Joshua for a long time but that’s our cousin’s name. Willy tells me to go with Reggie, because “no one named Reggie is a bad athlete”. We’ll probably go with something boring. Like Snake-Eyes.
23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
Absolutely. I’d love for that to happen.
24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Enter in to your rest.
25. Five people you want to do this quiz? I tag:
ach, Leo, Eric, Irvo, Niccolo.