I sometimes think the Bible stories and songs we teach our children are age inappropriate, that we should save it for when they’re older. Like, a Bible story commonly taught to children is Noah’s Ark. Uh, hello? This is a story of mass genocide. Not just of humans, but all animal species. And this is appropriate for children? Whatever we’re teaching our children through this story, we’re surely missing some of the point.

Songs and lessons also. Like Seek Ye First, a song we used to sing when I was a kid. I’ve been thinking about it, and I think we should save that for when people are older. The context of that verse is about not accumulating earthly riches, not worrying about food or your body or your clothes. But really, how applicable is that to kids? How many kids really worry about food and drink and daily provisions?

I think the target age for that passage should be around 30 years old. I dunno, I just feel like now is the age where we start worrying about stuff like that, how we’re going to acquire shelter or survive/thrive financially or amass riches/influence. And I’ve personally been finding great comfort in that verse: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” So much so that I kind of wanted to sing it for Sunday worship. The problem is, now it’s associated as being a kids’ song, so the impact of singing it would be lessened. Which is a shame.

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