Pastor Mike has told me that I should blog. OK.
I have long pondered 1 Peter 4:10, which says “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” It’s the “administering God’s grace” part that I’ve never fully understood. I still don’t totally get what that means, but I do think I’ve experienced it a lot recently. The way people have been serving and loving us has been a real experience of God’s grace.
I also want to say, and I got his OK to say this, but I’m a bit disturbed at how metro Mike is getting. I’m fine with talking about shaving or aftershave. It’s just, the in depth discussion of moisturizer is a bit much. I have nothing against moisturizer – I use facial lotion myself. It’s just, for men, I think it’s one of those things that we know everyone does but tacitly agree to not discuss, like picking your nose or inadvertently farting when you urinate. Keep it in the closet.
Speaking of metro, Eddie, Irving, Elbert and I went to a Stanford basketball game a while back and the tickets included free 6th Man T-shirts. At the table, they had no more Medium size shirts. So Eddie, Irving and I got Large shirts. Elbert requested a Small. I just wanted to share that.