After not seeing Abby for a couple weeks, Eunsil was shocked to see her walking. I guess that is kind of a shock. But things change so fast.
Because of that, I’m not sure what Abby’s personality is. It’s definitely changed throughout this whole learning to walk thing. Like, right when she started walking, she wasn’t fully stable, and liked to hold your hand all the time. It was very sweet. But then after she got better at it, she stopped wanting to hold anyone’s hand, preferring her freedom. Along with this newfound freedom, she’s started to get fussier and whinier, as if the freedom of walking has introduced her to a new world where she can do more of what she wants, and now she gets frustrated when she can’t have exactly what she desires. The whining has definitely been related to the freedom that comes from walking.
And this week she’s been sick again, pretty bad, so even more fussiness in between bouts of lethargy. All these changes in the course of like 3 weeks. So yeah, hard to get a grip on what her personality really is / will be like. And it’s fascinating to see how much influence circumstance has on her personality. Wonder how universal that is.