I personally thought what the Supreme Court did before was brilliant. Sending the case down back to the Florida Supreme Court. Just, they knew that presenting consensus was the best thing they could do, but there was clearly no consensus on the court. I think most of them believed that what the Florida Supreme Court (hereafter the FSC) did was wrong, but some still believed that the final say should be made by the state, it not being a federal issue.

So, they made this consensus decision to send it back down. I don’t know, I read it, and the way I interpreted it was as a way to let the FSC know that they erred, but without having to intervene themselves and make it a federal issue. It was like telling them, reconsider, change your minds, so that we’re satisfied and it’s resolved on a state level. I don’t know, it was just a move that satisfied everyone, those who believed the FSC erred, those who believed it should be a state issue, and everyone, who believed consensus was ideal. A brilliant move.

But then the FSC showed what idiots they are. I’m not joking, I think I have more legal understanding than the majority who made that idiotic decision. Of course the Supreme Court wasn’t going to accept it, that was obvious, but they went ahead and did it anyway, virtually ignoring what the Supreme Court said before. I don’t know, I read the opinions of the FSC, both the concurring and dissenting opinions, and the most clear arguments to me were those written by the FSC chief justice, who dissented. The majority went out of their way to base everything only on Florida law and not their constitution, but it still wasn’t compelling where they’re basing their actions on. The point I think the Supreme Court was making earlier to the FSC is that you can’t just go and change the rules after the fact – this isn’t rooted in the law itself. So don’t do that. But the FSC did. Idiots.

So, it doesn’t matter how brilliantly you play the game, if your opponents are flaming idiots. For some reason, this reminded me of playing Risk. I play Risk from time to time, and it’s really hard to play with people who make stupid moves. Not to be mean, but Joe Kim is one of them. At the ski trip last year, we played, and, not to brag, but I played optimally. But that doesn’t matter. Joe, to have played optimally, should have followed my advice. Instead, he followed someone else’s stupid advice, and not only did I lose, but of course he lost also. He followed a path that guaranteed his failure, and in the face of such idiotic strategy, there’s not much I can do.

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