Dunno if you’ve ever heard of A Magazine. Basically a magazine about Asian American issues. Anyway, if you can, check out the latest issue, the one with Michelle Kwan on the cover. This issue has this article on the hottest spots to “meet” people. It covers several cities – New York, Chicago, others. And of course San Francisco. The vast majority of places listed are bars and clubs, and since I frequent neither, I’ve haven’t heard of any of them.

Except one. On the San Francisco list, they include KCPC. I kid you not. With its address, worship time, and more (dress is heavy on J Crew, it says). It’s the only church listed in any city – it’s actually just about the only non club/bar listed, so it sticks out like a sore thumb in the article. I dunno, it’s totally random, and absurd, if you know anything about dating at KCPC. But yeah, check it out. Totally random.

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