Spider solitaire update: I’ve clawed my way to a 3% win rate on difficult. 16 wins, 448 losses. I have no idea how I’ve gotten 16 wins. I honestly think that after you play enough games the computer feels sorry for you and starts making it easier. I’m 100% serious about this. Anyway, my high score on difficult is 1122, which is pretty good. I’m a loser.
The obscure bottled water brand at work is Poland Springs. Highly recommended. Are you with me, JR? I dunno.
So someone commented that it’s silly to distinguish between good and bad people liking you. I’ve been thinking about that. I’m not sure if they’re saying we shouldn’t judge who’s good and bad because everything is by God’s grace or that we shouldn’t care what people think because only God knows our heart or something else. But at any rate, I’m not convinced it’s silly.
Just, it’s a nice idea, but I’m not certain it’s Biblical. I’m obviously not saying we should live primarily for the praise of other men. Nor am I saying that it’s anything but grace by which someone can be called righteous. But Scripture clearly states that what Christians do will be noticed by others, that it affects how people view us. So what people think of us does serve as some kind of indication. And Scripture repeatedly draws a distinction between good (e.g. “righteous”) and bad (e.g. “wicked”) people, and moreover, calls for us to do the same, like not associating with the wicked, walking with the wise, stuff like that.
So Scripturally, I think it’s clear that we’re to make some judgment of who is good and bad, not to judge people, put ourselves above them or eliminate them from grace, but as a practical living thing. Maybe it’s a stretch from there to say we should care more whether good people like us than bad. But given the weight of Scripture, it’s a stretch I’m comfortable making. At least, I think there’s more support behind that than saying we shouldn’t distinguish between good and bad people or shouldn’t care what other people think at all. I dunno.