This entry risks seeming totally biased and the possible wrath of Eric, but I dunno, I learned that there are some fascinating features in Yahoo! Search. (Google has nifty stuff also.) Some useful ones:
- Area/Zip Codes – Get the area code by typing “area code” or “zip code” and the city name
- Gas Prices – Find the cheapest gas in your area by typing in the area and “gas”
- Movie Showtimes – By typing “showtimes” and a location
- Sports Scores – By typing team name and “scores”
- Traffic Reports – By typing location and “traffic”
- I also had no idea that you could do searches on UPS packages, UPC numbers, tons of stuff on both Yahoo and Google just by typing in the number.
I dunno, I think it’s awesome. Too bad everyone uses Google instead of Y! Search and always will. It’s also cool because Y! Search is integrated into Y! Messenger so you can get this stuff in the context of IMing. Too bad everyone uses AIM instead of Y! Msgr and always will.
Another cool thing they’ve done lately is whenever you look at a Yahoo! Map, you can find all these things near the place by selecting things on the right side. So like, all the Mexican restaurants near church. It’s limited by what’s in the yellow pages, but still, kinda cool. I dunno.