Meetings are the bane of my existence. I’ve been reading a lot recently, relatively speaking. Unfortunately, aside from Leslie’s theological notes, it’s all fluff. Angels […]
Month: August 2004
Yahoo! Search Features
This entry risks seeming totally biased and the possible wrath of Eric, but I dunno, I learned that there are some fascinating features in Yahoo! […]
Don’t Like Gymnastics
I’ve been watching a little too much Olympics, I think. The other night I was watching Men’s Walking on Telemundo, in Spanish. There’s something very […]
Don’t Mess With Yao
From Sam’s page: New Zealand player gets in Yao Ming’s face and gets pushed down. Don’t mess with the 7 foot Asian. Good times.
Extended Chai Family
I’ve said before my extended family is interesting, right? On Saturday I was in a room with 10 Chais. 6 were born Chais, 4 married […]
Things Don’t Just Happen
I feel like I am only now, at the age of 28, learning some very basic truths about life, stuff I should have known for […]
Rewearing Shirts
I made a startling discovery last night talking to people at LTG. Most people wear their shirts more than once before washing them. I never […]
The DaVinci Code, Equal Merit
One Friday night a few months ago around 1:30 AM, I start reading the DaVinci Code. I don’t stop. I read it straight through until […]
Tha Shizzolator
Kind of coarse, but funny if you haven’t seen it already: Tha Shizzolator. It’s somewhat buggy so it can’t do all pages, but works with […]
In some ways I regret going to Stanford. No, regret is the wrong word. It’s more, I struggle with certain things because I went there. […]