I don’t get baby room decorating. I was about to buy this shelf that was kinda nice, but Jieun nixed it, saying it doesn’t fit with the theme, which is “lambs”. What the. Why on earth do you need a theme? And why lambs? But whatevers.
I’m also giving up on our kid having a unique name. Everything we like is super popular. We saw this list of the most popular baby names of 2005 and seriously, the top entries are all names of kids we know or are considering ourselves. Like the top girls names are Emma, Emily, and Madison. Olivia is #7. Names that we’re considering are also super popular, like Abigail (#11) and Sydney (#21). Oh well. At least the last name is less common.
Incidentally, Nathaniel is #67, and Mary isn’t even on the top 100. So baby Yoon will be fairly unique, excepting her mom, aunt, grandmother, and future sisters.