Here is an interesting article on Intelligent Design.
Month: February 2001
Hey Jude
Uh, I meant Hey Jude, not Yesterday. The song with the “na na” chorus at the end.
Music for Montserrat
I’m watching this concert video right now and it’s pretty dope. It’s called Music for Montserrat, and it’s some benefit for whatever. The thing that’s […]
The King And I
So, we were watching The King and I this weekend and I forgot how absolutely freaking racist it is. Like, argh, they just think that […]
Sermon Standards
The speaker at church yesterday was phenomenal. It was Biblically sound, intellectually stimulating, challenging, and well delivered. All in all, an incredible sermon. I was […]
Web pages, pastor’s wives, random, YAG, Survivor
I don’t know, I’m thinking of just dropping this page. I have nothing to say anymore because nothing happens to me. It’s a pretty boring […]
Bring It On
We watched Bring It On last night. It was more amusing than not. A solid 3 out of 5 stars. But there were some witty […]
Apartment Sinking
Our apartment is sinking. If you look at our patio area, there are cracks all over. And there’s a long crack on the wall in […]
DDR Judgment
When it comes to DDR, I’m just judgmental. Like, if someone is not as good as me, then I look down on them because I’m […]
Simon Song
Ugh. I don’t know what Simon’s talking about. That song is terrible.