Andy, we got trick or treaters for the first time also! They pulled the classic “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good […]
Month: October 2002
Disgusting Habit
Short post about a disgusting habit I have. Just so you know what I’m really like. I pick my nose frequently. OK, so everyone (sans […]
Natural Selection Man
I think I used to be funnier than I am. Natural Selection Man. That’s inspired.
Tyrone Willingham
Great article on Tyrone Willingham.
Rushmore, College Football Playoff
Quick responses to Dave: Not a huge fan of Rushmore. 2.5 stars. One of those movies I just didn’t “get”. But I know quite a […]
LA Bandwagon Fans
So I was actually rooting for the Angels in the beginning of the Series (hate the Giants), but going down to SoCal this weekend changed […]
Attending Weddings Married
The fanmail I get invariably falls into two categories: probably gay men, and people asking about spiritual things. Most recently someone’s commented on the counter-missionary […]
American Versions Of Jackie Chan Movies
Miramax has been releasing a bunch of Jackie Chan films on DVD, I believe through its Dimension branch. Accidental Spy even listed the Weinstein brothers […]
My Biggest Flaw
I had an interesting conversation the other night. It made me ask myself, what’s my biggest flaw? And more interestingly, what do others think is […]
Hillsongs Lyrics
Pastor Eugene said this once about Hillsongs songs and I think he’s 100% correct – about 70% of them make no sense at all. Lyrically, […]